SOLETA zeroEnergy  -  Sustainability

     A thorough analysis of all measures by which science and technology are trying to improve the energy consumption of the modern house reveals a long series of compromises that do nothing but put in the other side of the scale the comfort and more and more high costs. We believe that things are much simpler. There are traditional solutions to almost all "problems" of our houses; we just have to reinvent them in modern conditions.

      3- Use of high efficiency windows, in large areas, both for the roof and for the exterior walls. This allows occupants to use natural light and solar energy directly, thus saving energy. All windows have three layers of glass, the outer is MML type and diminishes overheat on hot days and the inner (DML) diminishes heat loss on cold days. The value of the heat transfer coefficient K for attic windows is 1 W/mpK and for the facade is K = 0.73 W/mpK;

      4- Perfect seal the outer envelope;

      5- Forced ventilation system with energy recovery, integrated in the structure of the house;

      6- Separate natural ventilation system;

      7- Solar collector located in the same matrix with roof windows and integrated with combined heat system (thermal energy for house heating and for domestic water production). This represents a percentage of 65% of the annual energy needed to produce domestic hot water and have a 30% contribution in the thermal energy generation system;

      8- Use as additional heat source of the high efficiency wood stoves (energy efficiency> 95%) and low emissions of CO 2 (<20 mg/Nm3);

      9- Use of a standard KNX system for energy and climate management of the house. This system monitors and manages thermal energy equipment, lighting, audio and video, ventilation, reducing up to 45% the overall energy consumption. The system can be controlled remotely via mobile phones or tablets;

      10- Use of LED lighting technology;

      11- Thermal energy storage system in the floor of the house;

      12- System of storage and filter of rainwater, used in the domestic network;


Other features integrated in the computerized management system of the house:


      13- Fire-monitoring system;

      14- Anti burglary monitoring system;

      15- Intelligent lighting monitoring system equipped with occupancy sensors;

      16- Automatic management system of fresh water supply network to optimize consumption and prevent possible accidents, floods, etc.

       Various studies in recent years have revealed that many of the building solutions of the current Low-Energy houses also create a powerful discomfort for their occupants. The houses are over-enveloped, creating a healthy climate is becoming more expensive, positive interaction of houses with nature houses is increasingly reduced. This ancestral connection with nature is overlooked in most modern buildings.


     Soleta zeroEnergy includes a standard or optional number of energy-efficient technologies that minimize losses on the one hand and on the other hand provides the necessary energy from unconventional renewable sources, without harming the environment. Among saving and energy production measures are included:


1 - Reduction of the house exterior areas directly exposed to the environment (walls, roof);

2 - Reduction of the heat transfer coefficient for exterior walls to a value of 0.12 W/mpK and for the roof to a value of 0.10 W/mpK and elimination of thermal bridges. We achieved this performance by using (in an innovative technological approach) polyurethane and cellulose panels for the exterior walls and roof of the house;


  The ventilation system of the Soleta houses combines the concept patented by the company Velux for natural ventilation through the slits of the closing system of attic windows with a forced ventilation system with heat recovery. Based on the indoor environment quality data collected through the monitoring system sensors (CO2, temperature and humidity), the ventilation slit system opens/closes automatically. In winter ventilation is made by the automatic system equipped with heat recovery, but as soon as the outdoor temperature allows it, the system goes back to natural ventilation.

  The automatic ventilation and air conditioning system has several functions and components rarely found:

      - In the case that Soleta houses are equipped with an open-flame fireplace/stove, the system automatically detects the use of additional oxygen and acts to compensate for the volume of air consumed by the ventilation system with heat recovery. Thus the pressure inside the house remains constant and the fireplace/stove air circulation is optimal.

      - Also, if the house is equipped with extractor fans (kitchen hood and/or bathroom fan) the pressure sensor detects the low internal pressure due to their operation and again acts to compensate for the volume of displaced air.

      - In periods when the house is not inhabited, the ventilation system worka at minimum level for energy saving.

   To build the Soleta house we mainly used local, renewable materials, except for polyurethane thermal insulation, wood treatments and coatings and plaster boards used in interior finishing. The latter will be soon replaced with special boards of wood fibers, an organic material produced by a partner company. The structure of the house is made of glued laminated timber; the roof covering is also made of timber - traditional shingles. Floors are made of pine timber, both the interior and terraces floors. For the thermal insulation of floors we used another natural material, cellulose. The house facades are also made with a specially treated spruce panel.


In our visions, houses must be airtight, compact and must have an automatic ventilation system with energy recovery.


For Soleta houses, the technical solutions for heating and domestic hot water are multiple:


       1. A combined solar collector system - water-water heat pump;

       2. Wood boiler - solar collectors;

       3. Thermal pellet boiler;

       4. Air-air heat pump and solar collectors.



       Suprafetele vitrate generoase imbunatatesc semnificativ mediul de viata si reduc drastic nevoia de iluminare artificiala, economisind astfel energie.

Pe de alta parte, s-a demonstrat ca lipsa luminii naturale în interior poate duce la grave dereglări de somn, scăderea performanţor şi conduce la dependenţa de numeroşi stimuli nocivi precum precum cofeina, nicotina şi chiar medicamente.

Inca din faza de proiectare am luat în considerare la modul cel mai serios potenţialul luminii naturale, toate casele SOLETA beneficiaza de largi suprafete vitrate situate atat in suprafetele verticale cat si in cele inclinate ale acoperisurilor.

Ca o observatie importanta, orientarea caselor SOLETA determina solutii locale de umbrire, diferite pentru fiecare situatie, astfel incat intotdeauna se evita aparitia efectului de sera.


       "Atunci când lumina naturala vine din toate directiile poti sa simti ritmul naturii si anotimpurile, poti sa simti timpul! "


                                                                                                                           ing. Justin Capra


       The big large windows significantly improve the living environment and drastically reduce the need for artificial lighting, thus saving energy.

On the other hand, it was shown that the lack of indoor natural light can lead to serious sleep disorders, poor performance and to dependence on various noxious stimuli such as caffeine, nicotine and even medicines.

Since the design stage we considered in the most serious way the potential of natural lighting, so all SOLETA houses benefit from large windows surfaces both on the vertical and roof tilted areas.

As an important observation, the SOLETA houses orientation drives to local solutions for shadow, different for each situation, so the greenhouse effect is always avoided.



       “ When the natural light comes from all directions you can feel the rhythm of nature and seasons, you can feel the time! ”


                                                                                                       eng. Justin Capra © 2020



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